Monday, May 28, 2007

Hidden Vulnerability

As you may have noticed if you are following this blog, and I hope you are, I have been attempting to get my posts shorter and shorter. I got some great feedback that I was going into way too much detail. So with that said here is a blurb of thought for all to digest and consider.

The national energy issue is one that impacts us deeply and profoundly within the Information Technology industry. So I look around and ask "why haven't we risen up to fight for our energy rights?" After all we are one of the most vulnerable industrial sectors of the economy when it comes to our needs for energy. Without it we are out of business. The national power grid is aging and the dependence on foreign energy supplies leaves us in the IT industry at risk for our inability to provide continuous services that customers expect. We created this dragon and for the moment it still sleeps. But I fear the day when the electric company shuts down the grid and there is no diesel to run the generators. Just imagine what would happen today if the oil crisis of the 1970's happened today?

Back in the 1970's we were not dependent on information systems as part of our every day lives as we are today. The term data center did not even come into the public lexicon until the late 1980's. So what would happen? Think about it, especially the next time you write a contract for your fuel supply. Just like the weather man says "A storm is commin" but just like any weather man you never are quite sure if he is right or wrong.

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