Friday, November 02, 2007

Train Wreck

Allrighty then; I have officially crossed over into a place that is outside of normal space. I don't know what this space is but when you watch a train wreck and laugh your @ss off it kinda tells ya somethings not right.

I was surfing, where you can see just about anything, and caught this flick of a dude firing off a small mortar in a semi-confined space. Check it out but be warned it's messy.

I know it's wrong to laugh but the stupidity of it just laid me on the floor. Maybe I'd feel different if I had been combat? Maybe I'd feel different if I knew the story of how that dude got to the point of being there loading those mortars? I'm sure he was someones son once upon a time. But in the end I still laughed because while these guys (this guy and the ones off camera) are all busy praising g@d they all get nailed by a bad mortar round. If that isn't stupid irony I don't know what is.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

DOOOH! Looks like bad Iranian Ammo!!

He got his wish -- he was martyred. I could watch stuff like this all day -- seems like the mainstream media will only show u the bad stuff.

We have to go "underground" to see the "good stuff."

BTW, that was not a "human being" we just saw die -- that was a cowardly animal.

How do I really feel?

LOL! I pronounce you sane.